Team Name :

Registration Successful!

You are about to embark on a journey that offers you a chance to rise above!

Quiz Round

Test your business acumen as you and your teammate make your way through a series of situation-based questions. Remember, there is no right or wrong answer!

Date: | 
Campus Round Campus

Let the ideas flow as you are exposed to the first part of our business case study! Keep in mind that the right mix of creativity and practicality is what makes a genius idea!

select business area
  • PPT/Word document not exceeding 4 slides/2pages
  • Submission Deadline:
Cluster Round

Impress our panel of judges with your mind-blowing solutions as you compete with the brightest minds from each college!

  • PPT/Word document not exceeding 4 slides/2pages
  • Submission Deadline:
Grand Finale

You are at the last leg of your journey. We have seen your potential and wish you the very best of luck as you make your last jump and rise above!

  • PPT saved as PDF, not exceeding 12 slides
  • Submission Deadline: